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请 问 一 段 英 文 对 话 的意思.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/06/28 05:15:29
请 问 一 段 英 文 对 话 的意思.
There once was a king who loved to eat.When the castle cook grew too old to prepare the meals anymore,the king looked for a new cook.A young man applied for the job.The king said to him,"I want you to cook me the best and most important dish in the whole world."
The night the king sat down at the table.When he looked at the special dish,he exclaimed,"Why,that抯 cow tongue!"
The young man answered,"Yes,it is.Nothing is more important then the tongue if it is used correctly.The tongue is used to teach,to explain,to command,to defend,to calm.Tongues are used to sing to babies and to make bargains.Tongue has to be the most important thing for a king."
"I must say I didn抰 realize that,young man.You抳e opened my eyes.Therefore,tomorrow night,I want you to fix me the worst dish you know."
The next night,the young man served the king cow tongue.The king said,"What goes on here?Last night,tongue was the best dish in the world.Tonight it抯 the worst.How can this be?"
"The difference is what you do with it,sire," said the young man."Tongues make gossip,stir up trouble,and tell lies.Tongues are cruel and hypocritical.Therefore,tongue can be the worst dish in the world."
"Yes,I see.I also see that I need your wisdom in my court.I抣l get someone else to do the cooking."
请 问 一 段 英 文 对 话 的意思.