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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 01:48:18
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Likes to watch the parade enhance national concept
Flag fluttering, Song of the loud and clear; motors roaring, iron, rolling stream. What a neat pace, how imposing the military capacity, how much discipline, how strong will! In the 77 anniversary of the founding of the PLA stationed troops at the Shek Kong Barracks in Hong Kong's public grand military parade was held, attracting the attention of the whole society, but also brings about 30000 people live a new experience and a strong shock .
With the flag escort side teams, nine teams square foot, two loaded Party team and three helicopters, the air fleet review, the composition of teams, have appeared to accept review of Lieutenant Commander Chi-Tarng Wang, their leading spirit, first-class style of discipline, first-class quality of training, are vividly displayed in front of Hong Kong. Likes to watch the parade, the public are all blown away, to have such a powerful, civilized, and victorious army, I feel proud of Hong Kong's stability and prosperity of fortified confidence; Ham said the parade through the viewing, an increase of the PLA's understanding and awareness of the country, deepened patriotism, strengthen the concept of national sovereignty.
As we all know, the army is a symbol of national sovereignty and security. Countries in the world, military parade, whether in politics or in the military, is a very serious and major activities, its main significance lies in highlighting national sovereignty, national defense strength highlighted to show the government to safeguard national and regional security forces and determined. In China, apart from meeting held 13 world-renowned National Day military parade, in general, is the Army Day parade held in the barracks. The Hong Kong Garrison, be held in the barracks '81' parade at the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and nationally is the first time in seven years for the return of Hong Kong, it was a special significance.
Should be recognized that, due to various historical reasons, Hong Kong, the so-called sense of national pride and sovereignty, and so on, in people's minds has always been relatively weak in. The absence of national sovereignty and integrity and security of the people live and work there would be no such fundamental reason, people are not very clear understanding of, and even 'patriotic', which had become the object of some ridicule. In this mentality, of course, a symbol of sovereignty of the People's Liberation Army, the long-term bias,
Doubts and resisted; In this understanding, for understanding and implementing the 'one country two systems', to implement the Basic Law, of course, have brought adverse effects also can imagine. Therefore, the insight has long been crying out for urgent strengthening of national education in Hong Kong.
There is no doubt that the parade is a good kind of national education. After the parade from all the good responses so far, yesterday's parade was very successful, and I believe will be brought to the more far-reaching impact, not only to city witnessed the Hong Kong Garrison, a brilliant seven years, footprints, demonstrating Garrison 'a mighty and civilized army,' and proudly image to enhance the public's understanding and trust of the army; but also help enhance the people's national consciousness, strengthening the sovereignty of consciousness and thus contribute to better implementation of 'One Country Two Systems Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong ', to maintain Hong Kong's long-term prosperity and stability.
Seven years ago, in Hong Kong, Pearl of the Orient for the first time since flying '81' flag, after a century of vicissitudes of Hong Kong has been a symbol of national sovereignty and the army, prosperity and stability of Hong Kong society has been a strong and reliable assurance; seven years, the military forces stationed in Hong Kong for its excellent quality, sophisticated weapons and equipment, and strict style of discipline and high morale, and strictly carry out its defense, in the eyes of the public to establish a good image, build a security barrier to fully adhere to the garrison in Hong Kong that Deng Xiaoping is indeed a far-sighted !