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英语翻译要求:不得用翻译软件翻译!承诺会有分数追加的!More broadly,others pointed out t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/12 01:31:22
More broadly,others pointed out that the extermination campaigns contradict the guiding ideology of China’s current leaders,who constantly invoke the need to build a “harmonious society.”
Although the extermination programs are being widely denounced here,there is no doubting that rabies remains a severe problem in China.Nationwide,961 people died of the disease in the first six months of the year,and last year,2,545 people died.By contrast,rabies deaths in most Western countries are extremely rare.
Experts say the persistence of the disease reflects the breakdown of the rural health care system,once one of the proudest achievements of Chinese Communism.Many poor rural provinces view canine rabies vaccinations as a costly burden.Meanwhile,an oral vaccine,which is far easier to administer,is not imported,partly because of its cost.
“Many farmers are reluctant to get shots for their dogs,because it’s not always free,whereas the veterinary system at the township level has become very inadequate,” said Luo Tingrong,a rabies expert at Guangxi University.“There isn’t much investment into the system.”
China Plans a Rare-Animal Hunt
BEIJING,Aug.9 (Reuters) — China plans to auction licenses to foreigners to hunt wild animals,including rare species,a newspaper said on Wednesday.
The government will auction the licenses based on the numbers in each category of animal,ranging from a starting price of $200 for a wolf,the only predator on the list,to as much as $40,000 for a yak,The Beijing Youth Daily said.There are believed to be fewer than 10,000 mature wild yak in the world.
The newspaper said the auction,on Sunday in Chengdu,capital of the southwestern province of Sichuan,would be a first for China.
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英语翻译要求:不得用翻译软件翻译!承诺会有分数追加的!More broadly,others pointed out t
extermination 将动物消灭(斩尽杀绝)
rabies 狂犬病
oral vaccine 口服疫苗
veterinary 医
Reuters 透社
The Beijing Youth Daily 北京青年日报
yak 牦牛
在更广泛的范围内,有人指出,中国领导人倡导要建立一个 "和谐社会” ,但动物消灭活动持续抵触着这一指导观念.
虽然动物消灭计划在这里受到广泛质疑,但中国的狂犬病泛滥成灾却是不争的事实.在中国,今年上半年就有961人死于狂犬病, 而在去年,更是有2545人死于此疾.相形之下,狂犬病在西方国家的造成的危害就要小的多了.
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