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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 22:31:20
1.In hot ,sunny climates, wide-edged hats provide____from the sun. A.shade B.shadow C.security D.cover 2.The story of the homeless orphan has____sympathy from the public. A.aroused B.attracted C.defended D.adopted 3.Sheily had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first____. A.intention B.attempt C.purpose D.desire 都是选修6第一单元的, 给我整蒙了~ 麻烦老师了
解题思路: 词义辨析
1.In hot ,sunny climates, wide-edged hats provide____from the sun.
A.shade B.shadow C.security D.cover
A 句意:在烈日炎炎的气候里,宽边的的帽子提供阴凉以挡太阳。A.shade 阴凉 ,in the shade 在阴凉里; B.shadow 阴影 ; C.security 安全 D.cover 封面(名词);覆盖(动词)
2.The story of the homeless orphan has____sympathy from the public.
A.aroused B.attracted C.defended D.adopted
A 句意: 那个无家可归的孤儿的故事引起了公众的同情。
A.aroused 引发,激起,常跟from 搭配
即 arouse sth from sb.
B.attracted 吸引 跟 sympathy(同情)不搭配; C.defended 保卫,防御 defend sb from....保护某人不受。。。的危害;
D.adopted 1. 领养(孩子)an adopted kid 一个被领养的小孩;
2. 采用 adopt your method 采用你的方法
3.Sheily had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first____.
A.intention B.attempt C.purpose D.desire
B sheily 精心准备了英语考试为了确保第一次尝试 / 考试就能通过。
我正好给(五年高考三年模拟)做选修6 和 8 的同步书呢 太巧了
A.intention 打算 计划 have no intention to do 没打算干。。。。 ;其动词为 intend ;
B.attempt n. &v 尝试
attempt to do = make an attempt to do C.purpose 目的 for / with the purpose of
为了/ 抱着。。。的目的
D.desire n. & v 愿望 ,要求
desire to do /desire for sth = have a desire to do / for sth