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下面这段话的英文版春联,俗称门对子.每年春节,家家户户在门上贴上大红的春联,更增添了喜庆气氛. 春联源于古代的桃符.桃符

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 13:44:43
春联,俗称门对子.每年春节,家家户户在门上贴上大红的春联,更增添了喜庆气氛. 春联源于古代的桃符.桃符是挂在大门两旁的长方形的桃木板.上面写上“神荼”,“郁垒”二神名,以驱鬼避邪.每逢春节,人们总要用新桃符替换旧挑符.王安石“千门万户?日,总把新桃换旧符”的诗句,说的就是这件事. 春联始于五代.公元964年,后蜀主孟昶先是叫学士辛寅逊在桃板上题词,又嫌他写得不工稳,便自己动手写了“新年纳余庆,佳节号长春”.从此,题桃符便演变成写春联了.后来,由于纸张大量生产,人们逐渐用纸代替桃木板.这便是贴春联的开始. 春联普及盛行于明朝.据《簪云楼杂说》载:“春联之设,自明太祖始.帝都金陵,除夕忽传旨,公卿士庶门上须加春联一副.太祖微行出观,以为笑乐.”而且,他还为王公大臣们御书春联.赐给中山王徐达的对联是:“破虏平蛮,功贯古今人第一;出将入相,才兼文武世无双.”赐给陶安的对联是:“国朝谋略无双士,翰苑文章第一家.”由于皇帝身体力行,再加上文人墨客的喜爱,广大群众的传播,春节贴春联便作为风俗习惯流传下来的英文.
下面这段话的英文版春联,俗称门对子.每年春节,家家户户在门上贴上大红的春联,更增添了喜庆气氛. 春联源于古代的桃符.桃符
Spring Festival couplets, commonly known as the door sub. The annual Spring Festival, each and every family paste red couplets on the door, more added to the festive atmosphere. Spring Festival couplets originated from the ancient. Spring Festival is the peach wooden board hanging on the door on both sides of the rectangle. Write "Tu", "Yu Lei" two God, to banish evil spirits. During the Spring Festival, people always have to pick with a new seal to replace the old. Wang Anshi "numerous households?, the new peach for old charm" of the poem, that is the thing. Which began in the five generation. In 964 ad, later Shu Meng Changxian is called Bachelor Xin Yinxun inscription in the peach board, and could he writes not balanced, then write a "New Year Festival, Yuqing, changchun". Since then, the Spring Festival has evolved to write Spring Festival couplets. Later, due to mass production of paper, people gradually paper instead of peach wood. This was the start in the Spring Festival couplets. Spring Festival couplets popular in the Ming dynasty. According to the "hairpin cloud floor." set: "Spring Festival couplets which, since the Ming was. Jinling Royal Park, new year's Eve edicts have come suddenly, Gongqing Shishu door must add spring festival couplet one. Taizu incognito out of view, thought that laughter and joy." Moreover, he also for kings and ministers imperial writing couplets. Give it Xu Da's poetic couplet is: "break Lu Ping man, work through ancient and modern people first; varieties, unique talented both mentally and physically." Given an poetic couplet: "Tao is any strategy Musou Shi, Han Yuan the first home." Because the emperor set an example by personally taking part, together with the men of literature and writing love, propagation of the masses, the Spring Festival couplets as customs handed down English.