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7A UNIT5 教案

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/17 10:29:32
7A UNIT5 教案
1.I want you to go shopping with me.我想要你和我一起去购物.
① want sb to do sth “想要做某事,”相当于would like sb to do sth.
e.g.The teachers want us to study.老师们希望我们努力学习.
而want to do sth则表示主语本人“想要做某事”,等于would like to do sth.
e.g.He wants to play computer games.
a.我想让你帮助我._____________________ ________________________
b.我们想去踢足球._____________________ ________________________
② “go shopping” 去购物相当于“do some shopping”或“do the shopping”
e.g.Mum often goes shopping on Sunday.妈妈经常周日去购物.
你还能想出类似的短语吗?____________ _________________
2.I don’t have any money.我没有钱.
句中not…any=no (没有),所以这句话的同义句是:I have no money.
如果句中出现not a/an 时也可以用no代替.(no = not any / a (an))
① The clock has no eyes.The clock ______have ______ eyes.
② There isn’t a tree here.There _____ _______ tree here.
3.Here’s my wallet.我的钱包在这儿.
这句话是倒装句,其正确语序是:My purse is here.
倒装句用来引起注意或给别人东西.E.g.Here’s an apple for you.给你一个苹果.
4.I need you to carry all the bags.我要你拎所有的包.
need 即可作情态动词也可以作行为动词,表示“需要”.
E.g.He needs some help.他需要一些帮助.这句话中的need 是行为动词,有词组① need sth,② need to do sth,③ need sb.to do sth.以后我们还要学④ need doing sth.;当它作为情态动词时,可以和can一样直接加not表示否定含义,或者在疑问句中直接提前.
E.g.You needn’t come if you don’t want to.
b need作情态动词时:________________________________________.
② 现在我需要你帮我买个蛋糕.________________________    _______
(请记住句中buy的用法:_________________ = ________________)
7A UNIT5 教案
i want you to help me
we want to play football
go swimming /go skinning/go climbing