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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/27 00:27:48
Thank you for your last email.Interesting to find out about where you go shopping in your country .The food markets in your country sound big.I think I would get lost! The last time you wrote,you asked me if I like shopping.No,I don't like shopping wery much.The shops are often crowded .There are lots of people pushing their way around to get what they want.Other people try to sell you things that you don't really want .Many European countries have fixed price ,so you can't have any fun bargaining for a good price. I do enjoy shopping sometimes.I enjoy buying vegetables and fruit at markets where you can bargain for the price.I also like going second-hand shops to buy close and books.In this type of shop ,they sell things that have been used already but still look new.Chairty shops use the monery they make to help poor people .I think this shops are a good idea.They a places where we can take our old things instead of thowing them away .
谢谢你上次的电子邮件。我很有兴趣地(看了下)了解到你是在你们国家的哪里购物,在你的国家,食物市场听起来很大。(如果我有心来访)我想我会(在其中)迷失的(因为食品繁多令人眼花缭乱)! 你上次写道,你问我是否喜欢购物。(其实)我不是很喜欢购物…商店里常常十分拥挤。还有很多人推推攘攘地想(挤开一条路去买)得到他们想要的东西…其他人试图卖给你你真的不想要的东西,。许多欧洲国家有固定的价格,所以你不能在为一个好价钱讨价还价上得到快乐, 有时候我的确很享受购物,我喜欢在集市场上买些蔬菜和水果——那是一个你可以讨价还价的地方。我也喜欢去二手店买衣服(close应该是clothes之类的吧)和书。在这类商店里,他们卖已经使用过的但还是看起来像新的东西。(Chairty应该是Charity吧)慈善商店(有些二手店是慈善店,搞义卖的)用赚到的钱去帮助穷人。但我认为建立这些商店是一个好主意。他们是我们的旧物放置点,以此避免我们把旧物直接扔掉。(最后几句语病有点多哦~~) (20min时间完成,有些潜台词和相关XXX我补充了出来) 补充: 呀,我猜对了!! 补充: They are places where we can take our old things instead of thowing them away . 定语从句,places做先行词用。至于加S,前面是are,后面的可数名词当然用复数咯~~O(∩_∩)O~ 补充: 再多说几句,最后那句我是意译,不是直译,因为水平有限,我发现自己直译出来不好看O(∩_∩)O~