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英语翻译Japanese FDI has been mainly a response to rising foreig

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/11 08:26:52
Japanese FDI has been mainly a response to rising foreign trade barriers,especially in machinery and metal products industries.
As stated earlier,a “buy national” public procurement policy is equivalent to a NTB and although as such it may affect the MNE’s decision to invest abroad,it received relatively little attention,as opposed to anti-dumping policy.Mardas and Varsakelis (1996) found a positive impact of “buy national” public procurements policies on Greek inward FDI.In Greece,with preferential public procurement policies and longstanding interaction between government agencies and incumbent,usually local,firms have seemed to end up to discriminatory practices against foreign suppliers,e.g.narrow product specifications,which produced “tariff-jumping” FDI.
An Empirical Model of the FDI–Public Procurement Relationship
On the basis of the aforementioned theoretical considerations,the empirical model is expressed in the following terms:
where:subscripts i and j denote sector and country,FDIQ is the share of foreign firms in domestic production,QPQ is the share of the domestic sectoral production purchased by the government,VIV is the share of sectoral public procurement over total government purchases,and PSI is the production specialization index (Balassa 1965).Furthermore,we introduce two control variables,labor productivity and trade openness,denoted QL and XQ respectively.Finally,we include a country dummy variable to control for country specific fixed effects such as investment subsidies,and tax credits or culture and language (Dunning 1993).
Domestic production of sector i purchased by the state over total domestic production for country j,QPQij,is an indicator of market structure which mirrors the importance of public contracts in domestic production and is defined as:
A large share of public purchases in a given sector indicates that local suppliers have an edge over foreign suppliers.MNEs aiming at obtaining a share from government dominated markets are expected to establish or expand local subsidiaries.FDI in those industries is of the “tariff- jumping” type and therefore the coefficient of QPQ is expected to be positive.
Governments consider some sectors to be of strategic importance and government purchases in those sectors form an important part of total public procurement.To define the share of sectoral procurement in total procurement,we posit:
英语翻译Japanese FDI has been mainly a response to rising foreig
正如刚才所说,“买全国”公共采购政策是相等于1和非关税壁垒,虽然这样可能会影响多国企业的决定,到海外投资,收到比较少注意,因为反对反倾销政策.mardas和varsakelis ( 1996年)发现,积极的影响“买全国”公共采购政策对希腊流入的外国直接投资.在希腊,优惠的公共采购政策和长期之间的互动,政府机构和责任,通常是地方,企业似乎结束了歧视性做法对外国供应商,例如:狭隘的产品规格,产生了“关税跳”外国直接投资.
地点:标I和J是指部门和国家,fdiq是中所占的份额外国公司在国内生产,qpq是中所占的国内生产部门购买由政府,viv是中所占的份额部门的公共采购总额超过政府采购,防扩散安全倡议是生产的专业化指数(巴拉萨1965年) .此外,我们引入两个控制变量,劳动生产率和贸易开放,标注ql和xq分别.最后,我们包括一个国家的虚拟变量,以控制国家的具体固定的效果,如投资补贴,税收抵免或文化和语言(邓宁1993年) .
国内生产的部门我购买了由国家超过国内总生产国J以来,qpqij ,是一个指标,市场结构,其中镜子的重要性,公共合同在国内生产和的定义为:
各国政府考虑在某些行业要具有重要的战略意义和政府采购在这些部门中的重要组成部分的总公共采购.界定中所占的份额部门在采购的采购总额,我们posit :