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12世纪西欧最大的城市是 Al伦敦 B威尼斯 C巴黎 D热那亚

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/13 13:30:16
12世纪西欧最大的城市是 Al伦敦 B威尼斯 C巴黎 D热那亚
12世纪西欧最大的城市是 Al伦敦 B威尼斯 C巴黎 D热那亚
再问: 为什么啊
再答: Venice Unesco World Heritage says: Founded in the 5th century and spread over 118 small islands, Venice became a major maritime power in the 10th century. The whole city is an extraordinary architectural masterpiece in which even the smallest building contains works by some of the world's greatest artists such as Giorgione, Titian, Tintoretto, Veronese and others. While those Roman, urban, republican sensibilities persisted, there were many movements and changes afoot. Italy first felt the changes in Europe from the 11th to the 13th centuries. Typically there was: a rise in population―the population doubled in this period (the demographic explosion) an emergence of huge cities (Venice, Florence and Milan had over 100,000 inhabitants by the 13th century in addition to many others such as Genoa, Bologna and Verona, which had over 50,000 inhabitants) the rebuilding of the great cathedrals
再问: 我看不懂英文,我只是初中生。。。
再答: 西欧新兴的城市首先在意大利发展起来,如威尼斯,热那亚,米兰,佛罗伦萨.威尼斯原是拜占廷的属国 ,九世纪独立,在以农业为主的欧洲,它是第一个依赖商业贸易生存的国家.威尼斯与君士但丁堡和穆斯林北非之间开展了兴旺的三角贸易,贩运来自东方的货物.接着热那亚、比萨、那不勒斯等口岸也相继仿效,并进而促进意大利内陆城市米兰、佛罗伦萨的发展.   但是西欧城市的大量涌现,还是从 11 世纪到 13 世纪这二、三百年间.佛兰德尔地区的城镇布鲁日、根特从英国进口羊毛,形成北欧的工业中心.在莱茵河、波罗的海和北海沿岸,也出现了汉堡、不来梅、卢卑克等城市.在内地的商路上则出现定期大集市,其中以香槟伯爵领地的集市最为有名. 中世纪西欧城不大,人不多.最大的城市多在南欧,西西里岛的城市巴勒莫盛期据说有三十万人,但这主要是穆斯林奠定的基础.意大利其它有名的城市威尼斯、米兰、佛罗伦萨人口一般都是十万或更多一些.巴黎 13 世纪人口二十四万,伦敦 12 世纪人口三万, 13 世纪有四万五千人.用今天的标准衡量,那时的伦敦城狭小肮脏,是一个臭气熏天、极易发生火灾的废物堆:木结构的房屋,没有铺垫的街道,有英国唯一的下水道系统,公厕仅有一处.但 12 世纪的伦敦市民却以伦敦为骄傲,认为它光芒四射. 论人口应该是巴黎