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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 20:44:11
我曾经看过一篇报道说的是有个男子他家 火灾了,他跑到了楼下准备出去的时候却发现门锁了,而钥匙还在他的睡房里!在他犹豫要不要拿的时候,大火把他的生命给吞灭了.这个事实教导我们一定要预防有些意外的发生,我们要做好随时与之斗争的准备.在我们逃出门外后我们要及时跟邻居求救,并且打电话给消防队.
Dear sind:
How have you been recently? The continuous reports of disasters make me feel the lives of human are so weak and vulnerable. Therefore, I think we should do a good job for prevention and learn some survival knowledge to help ourselves in emergency. I'd like to share my knowledge for survial with you.
Sometimes,the fire can be avoided by ourselves. If only we don't leave the kitchen when something is being cooked; if only we make the cloth, wood,etc. far away from the fire, and keep a habit of turning off the gas immediately. But sometimes, accidents are unpredictable. We should have some survival knowledge in that case. If a fire broke out indoors, first, we should use the wet towels to put up it. But if it is a big fire, we should first rush to the place where there is a water source to soak ourselves , and cover our mouths and noses with wet towels, trying to crawl to the door with body tight to the ground as soon as possible. Here, I want to emphasize one point, that even if you have locked the door at night, you must make the key in the keyhole to save the precious time for finding keys,for all your life is determined by the tickering of time.
I read a report like this. It said that when a fire broke out in a man's house, he ran downstairs to get out ended up fingding that the door was locked while the key was still in his bedroom. He was killed by the fire when he was thinking whether to get the key or not. It tells us that we must be preventive for some accidents and we should prepare to fight against them. We need to ask help from neighbours and call 119 after escaped from the fire.
Life is invaluable. Only we can save ourselves in danger. We should be clear of all kinds of safety knowledge and survival methods in case of any emergency.
翻译:您好!亲爱的爸爸,我是Peter。听说您最近为了工作很忙而忽略了你的身体健康,为此我很担心。 英语翻译亲爱的jenny:我最近遇到了一件很烦恼的事,事情是这样的,我和我的好朋友在周末活动的安排上发生了争执,我认为应 英语翻译亲爱的XX:很抱歉这么长时间没有给你们写信,希望你和你的家人一切都好.我在2010年4月到西安工作了,最近才可以 校长说过我觉得我们大家应该同心协力维护这个弱小美丽而脆弱的星球 ,口语交际 地球是个微小、美丽而脆弱的星球,如果它被破坏了,我们人类将别无去处.为此,你想对生活在地球 人类们,想办法应对自然灾害和人为的灾害吧,如果不早点预防自然灾害和人为灾害可能会灭亡,所以要应对自然灾害,例如彗星撞地球 你了解哪些灾害的预防方法 英语翻译亲爱的客户,我们收到了您的询价,我们感到非常开心,在此我们对您的询价进行分析,我们把我们产品的参数和报价给您参考 英语翻译亲爱的李丽我的外婆最近生病了,我要和我的父母去看望她吗?你能帮我照顾我的表妹吗?她很听话,你只要引她去玩就可以了 英语翻译8月6日三天前,我经历一场暴风雨后幸存了下来.死而复生的我经过一次的航海之旅后,我更加知道了人类生命的脆弱和学会 为什么人类的生命在自然灾害面前如此脆弱? 英语翻译我每天都在守望着你.我为了你忍受着生命中的痛苦和欢乐.离你最近的地方.路程也最遥远.上帝对人类说:“我治愈你.所