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英语语法it's just that是强调句还是翻译为只是? 2.have never ha

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/28 12:24:36
it's just that是强调句还是翻译为只是?
2.have never had a stone put in anything这里的stone作put的宾语而put sth in sth是祈使句吗?
.The grim economy seems to make the participants keener than ever to think 'out of the box' in the way poetry encourages这里的keener than ever 可以为比以往更加吗?
I'm not suggesting that poetry will guide our legislators to wisdom any more than prayer has.这里的not any more than可以翻译为不会,正如祈祷也不会一样吗?guide sb to加名词吗?
the pains and pleasures of his species must become his own.译为别人的痛苦他必须感同身受.这里的his species是什么意思呢?
It led them to think poetry indispensable to management一般来说是be indispensable to这里没有be.
英语语法it's just that是强调句还是翻译为只是? 2.have never ha
1it's just that不是强调句 可以翻译为 只是

2.have never had a stone put in anything这里的stone作 had的宾语
而put in anything是过去分词短语作宾补
这是have sth done句型
3.The grim economy seems to make the participants keener than ever to think 'out of the box' in the way poetry encourages这里的keener than ever 可翻译为比以往更加渴望
4I'm not suggesting that poetry will guide our legislators to wisdom any more than prayer has.这里的not any more than可以翻译为不仅仅是恳求得来的
guide sb to加名词

5the pains and pleasures of his species must become his own.译为别人的痛苦他必须感同身受.这里的his species是 他的同类
It led them to think poetry indispensable to management一般来说是be indispensable to这里没有be.
think poetry indispensable=think (that) poetry is indispensable
再问: 第四句文章翻译是我不并不是暗示诗歌比祈祷更能引导我们的立法者成为智者。好像不是不仅仅吧。
最后一句to management介词短语修饰poetry的。
再答: 第四句文章翻译也可以是 我并不是暗示诗歌 将引导我们的立法者成为智者而不仅仅是祈祷所引导的。

意思与原译文 并不矛盾
所以more than也可以可以翻译成 并不仅仅是
not more than仅仅是
再如he is more than a teacher他不仅仅是一位教师
he is not more than a teacher他仅仅是一位教师
最后一句to management介词短语修饰indispensable

indispensable to management是形容词短语作宾补 补充说明宾语poetry