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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/21 02:21:29
(1) welcome to ride this train,this train station terminal XX.XX next station,alighting passengers please be prepared.
(2) the train started,please help a good stand,next XX station,the train left open the way forward / right side of the door,please be prepared to alight.
(3) XX stand up,please train left / right of the door off.
(4) terminal XX stand up,please bring your passengers get off your belongings,welcome to ride again.
(5) Attention please,this train will stop at XX out of service,please go to the direction of the passengers XX XX Station after the switch to listen to the station staff arrangements for the next train.Inconvenience,please understand,thank you for your cooperation.
(6) Attention please,this train for some reason need of emergency evacuation,please obey the command staff to immediately leave the car,thank you for your cooperation.
(7) Attention please,for special reasons,will not stop this train station through XX,please take the passengers get off at the station in the nearby bus stop change.Inconvenience,please understand,thank you for your cooperation.
(8) Attention please,this train for some reason need both ends of the emergency evacuation,please follow the instructions to evacuate into the cab and open the door,walk to the nearest station.
(9) Attention please,this train for some reason need to train the rear emergency evacuation,please follow the instructions to evacuate into the cab and open the door,walk to the nearest station.
(10) Attention please,this train for some reason need to train the head of emergency evacuation,please forward direction along the train into the front,the staff will help you to leave the vehicle.
(11) passengers Hello,caused by any failure,please be patient,thank you for your cooperation.
(12) passengers Hello,this is temporary parking,please be patient,thank you for your cooperation.
Please expert help,online,etc.,are very anxious,the next a rookie,if the answer satisfied,I will use my reward for all the points.
列车英语广播稿就是火车始发时候的 就是旅客朋友晚上 欢迎乘坐本次列车 本次列车是有xx开往xx的xxx次列车 到达xx站 英语翻译有一段列车的通告,需要翻译成英文的,,60分中文如下:欢迎乘坐本次列车,您所乘坐的是XX车厢,我们俩是本车厢列车 英语翻译欢迎乘坐本次列车,我是本车厢的列车员 英语翻译①欢迎乘坐北京地铁十号线列车.列车运行前方是国贸站,有在国贸站下车的乘客请您提前做好准备.国贸站是换乘车站,换乘 英语翻译轻轨上的广播前方到站:XXXX站,列车将打开左侧车门,有到XXXX的乘客请提前做好下车准备.XXXX站到了,车门 欢迎乘坐crs动车组本次列车开往杭州站列车前方到站温州南站 翻译成英语怎么说 英语翻译欢迎乘坐4745次列车,本次列车是从安阳开往郑州,途径新乡的.我是307号乘务员,很高兴为您服务.新乡是一个风景 英语翻译女士们,先生们:欢迎你乘坐中国XX航空公司航班XX广州前往海口本次航班的乘务长讲协同机上_______名乘务员竭 英语翻译1.欢迎乘坐此次列车,前方已经到南京站,请到站的乘客拿好行李准备下车.2.请站安全线内等待上车 1.列车A和B并排停在某站,当A启动后B还未启动,此时列车B内的一乘客看到自己所乘的列车运动了,他选的参考系是 英语翻译1 这辆公交车的 起点站 和 终点站 是哪里?2 这次列车从哪里 开往哪里?( 两种翻译方法)3 这辆公交车多久 请问“本次列车开往天河客运站,下一站是珠江新城,可换乘5号线”用标准的英语翻译怎么说呢?