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有哪些错,错在何处.Hello,I'm sorry,my English isn'twell,please endure

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/22 22:54:06
Hello,I'm sorry,my English isn'twell,please endure me.I have two questions and I want to get answers.
The first one:would areil has any newfilms?
The second one:I like "missareil" this website,but last update seems like was at 06-11-2012,I worried about this website won'tupdate anymore,will it update again?right?Or it wasmove to a new domain?(If it was,please send me the new domain,thank you)
Thank you for your answer.
If my email address can‘t be useful,maybe I'll send youanother email address(In the case of I not receive any English email within a week)
有点不对 sorry 有几处少了空格
my English isn't well
first one:would areil publish any new films?(我是觉得原文的这一句不对,所以把我认为正确的发一下)
I like "miss areil" this website,but last update seems like was at 06-11-2012,I worried about this website won't update anymore,Or it was move to a new domain?
Thank you for your answer.
If my email address can‘t be useful,maybe I'll send you another email address
有哪些错,错在何处.Hello,I'm sorry,my English isn'twell,please endure
is not good而不是well
would areil have any new films
but its lastest update was at 06-11-2012
I worried that this website...
Or was it moved to a new domain?
If my email address is invalid...(Since I have not received any English e-mail for a week)