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英语翻译One of the famous dreams in history is the dream of the

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/25 08:54:03
One of the famous dreams in history is the dream of the German scientist,Kekule,who had been to work out a very difficult problem in physics.He had studied and the problem from every angle for days,but there seemed to be no way of finding out the answer.Then one night he went to bed and dreamed.When he up,he realized that he knew the answer.He had the problem in his dream .
The hypnotist sat in the chair opposite him and spoke:I want you to concentrate on my voice.Think about.You know nothing but my voice.And as you pay attention to my voice,your will get heavier.Soon you’ll be asleep.
You will hear my voice and understand my words,but your body will be asleep and your eyes are too heavy.You are asleep,and when you wake up you will nothing.
You will forget everything.Now I am going to slowly from one to five.One,two,three,four,five.
英语翻译One of the famous dreams in history is the dream of the
在人的大脑里 最杰出的东西就是对未来的畅想我们能预知未来发生的不可知的事情 例如:当我们寻找一个新的地方或国家我们会想象他长什么样 我们预测人们的衣食住行 当然我们不总预测事情 事情总与我们想的背道而驰.
历史上最有名的梦 是一个德国科学家的梦 KEKULE 解决了很多物理学上的难题 他总是日以继夜的从多角度思考问题但总是解决不了 有一天他上床睡觉 做了个梦 当他醒来 他发现他想到了答案 他在梦里思考了问题
催眠者坐在他对面的椅子上 说:“我希望你只关注我的声音 像这样一件事你不了解我的声音 当你注意我的声音是 你会觉得累 然后睡着 你会听见我说的话 也能听懂 但你的肉体会沉睡 眼皮会打架 当你熟睡后再次醒来 你什么也不知道 你会忘记所有事 现在我慢慢地数五个数 一 二 三 四 五”