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英语翻译A Young Womanstanding at a Virginalabout 1670-2,Johannes

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 09:39:07
A Young Womanstanding at a Virginal
about 1670-2,Johannes Vermeer
The richly dressed lady playing a virginal stands in a prosperous Dutch home with paintings on thewall,a marble-tiled floor,anda skirting of locally produced Delftblue and white tiles.The two paintings on thewall behind her cannot be identified with certainty.The small landscape on theleft and the painting decorating the lid of the virginal resemble works byVermeer’s Delftcolleague Pieter Groenewegen.
The second painting,attributed to Cesar van Everdingen,shows the motif of Cupid holding a card.This figure derives from a contemporary emblem.It mayeither refer to the idea of faithfulness to one lover or,in conjunction withthe virginal,to the traditional association of music and love.
As with most of Vermeer's work,thepainting is undated,although the style of painting and the woman’s costumeindicate that it is a relatively late work.This painting can be related toanother Vermeer in the collection,A Young Woman seated ata Virginal,from the same period.
英语翻译A Young Womanstanding at a Virginalabout 1670-2,Johannes
穿着华贵的女人弹着小键琴,站在一座繁华的荷兰式房屋里.房间的墙上有两幅画,地板是用大理石铺成的,壁脚板是用当地生产的蓝白色代尔夫特陶器铺就的.她身后墙上的两幅画还不能肯定地鉴别出来.左手边的小风景画和装饰小键琴盖的画作与Vermeer的代尔夫特同僚Pieter Groenewegen的作品很相似.
第二幅画,属于Cesar van Everdingen,展示了丘比特手持一张卡片的主题.这一形象起源于一个现代象征.它可能与对爱侣的忠诚有关,抑或,与小键琴协同起来,是与传统的音乐和爱相联系的内容有关.