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英语翻译Hello my man life is strange.right?l think so .l think t

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/28 23:47:11
Hello my man
life is strange.right?l think so .l think that maybebe l do not fit in china.ldid not fit very well in Bao tou .you and l fit together.We have the sama kind of heart.Too bad we don't have the same kind of love.hahaha l do nat feel like belong here in Beijing.ldo not like the men l am meeting.some are nice are not noting feels right.Some of the men want to have a boyfriend NoW.There is no waitngTheu want me to live with them before l can even pronounce their names.Others want sex rightNOW.ltell them.later.They never call me aqain .Many others still lieve with their parents.They are 35 or 42 years old.They can never spend the night with anyone because their parents tell them no.WHAT's RONG WITH THEM?Mayde it is me.Maybe l just can not understand Chinese thinking.
It makes me think it was a mistake to china.My life has taughtme."never returm to a place that you have been'' l should have moved to peru or to the Czech Republic.l have never been to those places.l always say.if l can not have love l should have adventure.Right now l do not have either.
But lam here.l do have a few thing s thatl an happy about.A friend of mine from Mexico will come here in Augtst.He will leave in October.He will work in the embassy of his country.He is very excitrd to have this opportunity to be in another country.lam happy to see him too.l hope it will make me feel better to have a famiiaf face close to me a person lcan trust.
How is cooking?How is the laundry business?l hope that everything works as you plan in yourlife.l wish l jad enough experience and money to open a restaurant with you .
let life and it will shine back to you .
那为好朋友能帮我翻译过来我在这里谢谢你了我 真的有即使谢谢拉
英语翻译Hello my man life is strange.right?l think so .l think t
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