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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/13 21:30:23
It is more important for thegovernment to provide money for things that are beautiful and not just forthings that are practical.

As urban continues along the road of economicdevelopment, new demands are being put on the city’s construction plan.Admittedly, there are still many problems such as daily traffic jam and aircontamination which need be handled by the government. Nevertheless, faced withthe demands of the urban development, I believe government should force onbuilding something splendid instead of only cores on the things which arepragmatic.

For starter, the things which lookelegant can represent the flourish and image. For instance, Shenzhen, a prosperouscity in China was really lag behind in last century. There was no any equipmentlooks beautiful and poorly decorated. While recent years, Shenzhen starts buildsomething beautiful in order to emerge the better image. Obviously, thetransitions are brilliant; a sense of property spreads out before us. Shenzhenhas a higher status day by day because the elegant buildings can symbol theimage of it. That means in modern world, city need something beautiful to showits flourish.

Moreover, the remarkable equipmentsand buildings can appeal more excursionists thus develop the tourism. Forexample, a prevalent and rage resort named Hangzhou has a strong tourism andrelies on the West Lake to be far and near. In the past, however, only few ofpeople would go sightseeing to there since there was only a lake to watch,people would get board soon. Hence the government began to build some exquisitepavilion near the lack and nurture some lotus in the lake. The sight is notmonotonous any more, and it becomes more attractive. Because of the increasingof the visitor, the tourism in Hangzhou gets a great promotion, so that theeconomy in Hangzhou has been facilitated.

Furthermore, the beautiful things meetthe needs of residents’ and bring belongings. A survey which is taken inSichuan province in 2014 suggests that approximately seventy percent of civilapprove that government should build something beautiful in the city sincethese fragrant things can make them feel belonging. On the other hand, apsychological experiment which is taken in Sichuan University states thatpeople will be more responsible if the city have beautiful equipment. Thatmeans the beautiful building not only can please people, but also can makepeople realize their duties. Because people always d the glorious things in thepotential consciousness.

In short, the city needs something beautifulto decorate it because of good image, competitive tourism and theresponsibility of the citizens.