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高中学习的英语句式有哪些 麻烦给出全面的答案 追分

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 14:51:34
高中学习的英语句式有哪些 麻烦给出全面的答案 追分
除了5种简单句结构 还有那些宾语从句、定语从句之类的从句句式
以及其他在高中英语中学到的句式 像强调句、倒装句、省略句、反义疑问句之类的
我才要上高中 列不全面 麻烦知道的亲给出完整、全面、详细的答案 最好列举时能合理排列顺序 追分~
高中学习的英语句式有哪些 麻烦给出全面的答案 追分
一. 与 as相关的句型
(1) A is to B as / what C is to D 固定句式 A对B正如C 对于D一样
(2) As…..as
a. as + adj./ adv.+ as
b. as + adj. + a/an + 单数名词 + as
c. 倍数词 + as + adj./adv. + as
(3) n./adj./v. + as +主语(s) + v. (析) 由as 引导让步状语从句要倒装,把表语或者动词谓语的一部分等放在as前面.
(4) Such…..as (关系代词)……. 定语从句
such / so……that…… 目的和结果状语从句
(5) The sme……. As……. (析) 用来表示前后两者的相同或相似,其中as 是关系代词,引导定语从句.
(6) …….. as….. 一边…..一边
As …… 因为
(7) as you know, as is well-known, 众所周知 as you see / think / expect…….
as is often the case 这是常有的事 as is stated above 上文(面)所述
(8) as far as 远至 as well as 和,以及;除了 as long as 只要
as soon as 一……就…. (as soon as possible / one can)
(9) as it is as 为 “按照……., 如同……., 像” 等,引导一个状语从句 (在句尾时)原样,照原来样子,照事实; (在句首时) 但事实上.
(10)……as if / though…. (析) “好像,仿佛……”, 所引导的从句如果是真实情况,谓语动词用陈述语气;如果是非真实情况,谓语动词要用虚拟语气.
二. it 相关的句式
(1) it is / was + 强调部分(主语/宾语/状语)+who / that +…
(析) 强调句式. 用来强调除了动词谓语之外的其他成分.如果被强调部分表示人,后面可用who/that 来引导,否则只能用that 来引导.
(2) it is/has been /was /had been+ 一段时间 + since…… (析) 自从… 有多久了
(3) it was /wasn’t /will be /won’t be + 一段时间 + before…
(析) 要多久才….., 不要多久就….. 表示某动作从现在起到将来某时刻之前的这一段时间的总和,也可指某一动作从过去某时刻起直到另一个过去时刻之前的若干时间.
而句式 (2) 则表示某一动作或状态从结素时起到现在或另一个过去时间为止的若干时间. 这一动作或状态的结果是以since 从句表示出来的.
(4) It is /was the first /second….time that…….
(析) 第几次做某事.其中it可以换成that,this等,first,second可以根据句意,用third,fourth等等. It is…..time that caluse 一般用现在完成时.
(5) It’s time that sb. did…. (析) 虚拟语气特殊句式.从句常用过去时态.
(6)I t’s no use /good /bad /need ….. doing sth.
(析) it为形式主语,后面用动名词作其真正的主语. 注意: There is no need to do sth.
(7) it is /was necessary /important /strange /desinable /suggested… that sb /sth (shoud) do…
(析) 这是虚拟语气在主语从句中的应用. 从句中的谓语动词要用should + v. should 可以省略.
但suggest 作暗示讲, insist作坚决认为讲不用should+ v.
(8) it takes sb. Sometime to do…….
(9) it’s up to sb. to do sth. 该由某人做某事
(10) it occurred to sb. that…… 某人突然想起……
(11) it seems that It appears that /it looks like….. /it seems as if …..
(12) It’s known to all that ……(As is known to us, ……..)
(13) It’s + adj. + for /of sb. to do sth.
这里的it是形式主语,其后的不定式的复合结构for/of sb. to do sth.才是真正的主语.用for是强调后面的不定式的.相当于: to do sth. is + adj. for sb;用of是强调sb.相当于: sb. be + adj. to do sth.
(14) see to it that 务必使…..
(15) It fell out that … 发生(….事), 结果(是) It follows (from this) that…. 由此得出, 可见
三. if虚拟结构式
(1) if only……(析) “但愿,要是…..就好了.” 主要用于虚拟语气中,表达愿望或者非真实的条件.表示现在用一般过去时.表过去一般用过去完成时.表示将来用过去将来时.
(2) if it had not been for….., If it were not for… (析) 要是没有……
(3) if sb. + 过去完成时, sb. + 一般过去时
(析) 主从句如果时间不一致时,则依据具体情况把时态向过去推一步即可.
(4) 祈使句 + and/ or +简单句
(析) 这里的祈使句表示条件.用and表示肯定.用or表示否定.有时祈使句部分也可以用一个短语.
eg: One more hour and I’ll get the work finished.
四. 正忙着….. 突然….be doing …….. when …… be about to do sth. When…..
be on/ at the point of ….. when….
五. 与“一……就…”相关的句式.
The moment/ the minute / the instant / the second….
No sooner had ……. Than …. Hardly had …….. when …….
……… as soon as / directly / immediately ……. At the sight / thought /sound of…..
六. 表“宁愿……..也不愿….”的句式.
prefer to do sth.rather than do sth. Prefer doing sth. to doing sth.
would rather do sth. than do sth. would do sth. rather than do sth.
七. 倒装句式
Only + 状语 + (主句倒装) Not only + (句子倒装), but also + (句子不倒装或省略)
Not until……. + (主句倒装) Hardly / No sooner + (句子倒装) + when / than
So + adj. / adv. + 主句倒装 + that At no time / In no case ……..(主句倒装)
No / Not / Never / Little / In no way / By no means ……..+ 倒装
八. 比较句式
(1) The more….. the more …….越是……就越…
(2) more …. Than …… (析) 这个句型有两个意思: 一是比较级,意思是 “比…..更.”二是 “与其说….还不如说….” (3) no more …… than ….. 和…. 一样不… (4) not more ….. than… 不比….. 更…
(5) 倍数 + as ….. as ….. 倍数 + more than …..
倍数 + the size / length /height /depth….. of.. 倍数 + one’s size /length / height
(6) Compared with /to (7) gain / get /win /have an advantage over (of)…… 优于, 胜过
(8) be ahead of ….. 在….之前, 优于 (9) in preference to
九. with + n. / pron. + doing /done /to do/ + 介词短语 / 形容词/ 副词
十. (1) have / leave sb. doing /do /have/leave sth. done
(2) only to do… (3) be to blame
(4) (析) blame 为vt.,但用其不定式作表语或者定语时,一般用主动形式,而不是被动形式
eg: He was not the one to blame.
Blamed for the breakthrough of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.
(5) sth.+ adj + to do
(析) 反射不定式的句式.形容词 easy, hard, heavy, difficult, comfortable…加不定式句型中,不定式一般是主动形式表达被动意义.而这个不定式和前面的主语构成逻辑上的动宾关系.注意:这个动词不能再带宾语. eg: The text is very difficult to understand.
(6) do nothing but do/have no choice/altertive but to do (7) too ….. to…
十一. Whether …. or…. 不管…… 还是…. No matter what / when / where ……. 不管什么/何时/何地等 However ……. 无论…
Whoever / whomever . eg: I’ll give it to whoever comes first.
十二. 语序:
(1) What / where / who do you think / suppose / guess / expect (为插入语) + 陈述语序.
(2) Can you tell me what’s the matter with you / what’s wrong with you / what’s the trouble with you ?(语序不变)
(3) How + adj. ……..! (4) What + n. ….! (5) Such were/was……
十三. 简略回答:
(1) Do you mind if I do …….? 表达请求时所用的句式.其回答首先是对mind本身表示肯定或否定,所以,如果答应或允许,可以这样回答: No,go ahead. / Not at all /Of course not ( Certainly not) 等.如果不答应或不允许,可以这样回答: I’m sorry, but it’s not allowed. / I’m sorry you can’t. / I’m afraid you can’t. / you’d better not. 等
(2) I don’t think / believe / suppose / expect / imagin / guess……
(析) “否定转移”句式. 即主语为第一人称.常见如上动词,后接宾语从句时,如果从句为否定句,则要将否定移到主句.其反意疑问句要与从句保持一致.但要注意其肯定或否定形式;如果主语不是第一人称,则要与主句保持一致.
eg: I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer, will they?
(3) I hope / think / believe / suppose / imagine….. so
I don’t think / believe / suppose / imagine ……so
I hope / think / believe / suppose / imagine …. Not
注意: 可以说 I hope so. I hope not.但不能说: I don't’t hope so. 类似: I’m afraid so. I’m afraid not.
(4) I’d like / love to, but…..
I wish I had.
(5) So it is / was with sb. /sth.
十四. 情态动词
(1) may / might (just) as well do May you succeed!
(2) must have done can’t have done needn’t have done
shouldn’t have done should have done must be doing
十五. Way 的句式
(1) Readers were pleased and surprised to find that a scientist could write about his work in a way that ordinary people could understand. (P3 SBIIA)
……… 科学家竞能够以普通人理解的方式来阐述自己的工作
(2) The best way to make sure that we will feel ane look fine is to develop healthy eating habits. (P4 SBIB)
(3) Only in that way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life
(4) Others think that we learn language in the same way we learnother things (P67 SBIII) 我们学习语言正如我们学习其他技能
(5) It is sometimes said that a society can be judged by ty the way it cares for its weakest members. (P76 SBIII) 有时侯人们说一个社会的好坏可以从它对待弱势群体的照顾来判断.
(6) This is the best way I thought of to slove the problem.