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Michael Jackson 的英语新闻怎么翻译

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/05 15:04:59
Michael Jackson 的英语新闻怎么翻译
Jackson was remembered as a pop icon who blazed on the scene as a child in 1969, as part of his family musical group, the Jackson 5. Young Michael stood out from his four brothers and soon became the group's lead singer and dancer.
The singer and actress Queen Latifah said Jackson, who became a superstar as a solo performer, had fans around the world. She said people around the world are mourning his loss.
"Today in Tokyo, beneath the Eifel Tower, in Ghana's Black Star Square, in Johannesburg and Pittsburgh, in Birmingham, Alabama and Birmingham, England, we are missing Michael Jackson," she said.
The public service mixed emotional eulogies from friends and family members with spirituals and pop songs, some of them written by the singer. Performers included Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richie, Usher, Jennifer Hudson and John Mayer. There were also tributes from sports stars Kobe Bryant and Magic Johnson.
With the singer's golden casket in front of the stage, Pastor Lucious Smith said Jackson was, above all, part of a loving family.
"To millions around the world, Michael Jackson was an idol, a hero, even a king," he said. "But first and foremost, this man before us today was our brother, our son, our father, and our friend."
Jackson had ups and downs in his career, and faced unproven allegations that he had molested children. There were indirect references to those problems. Sheila Jackson Lee, a U.S. congresswoman from Texas, reminded mourners that under the law, people are innocent unless proven guilty.
"And I can tell you as a member of the United States Congress, we understand the Constitution," she said. "We understand laws. And we know that people are innocent until proven otherwise. That is what the Constitution stands for."
The congresswoman remembered Jackson as a humanitarian.
"If they needed money for developing countries, Michael gave," she said. "If he was in Namibia, he went to orphanages. Michael never stopped giving."
The Reverend Al Sharpton, a Jackson family friend and political activist, delivered a rousing eulogy that brought the crowd to its feet. He referred to criticisms once directed at the pop star for what some had called erratic behavior.
"But I hope that the love that people have shown will make you know he didn't live in vain," he said. "And I want his three children to know [there] wasn't nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what your daddy had to deal with. But he dealt with it…."
As the family huddled on stage at the end of the service, one of the singer's three children, 11-year-old Paris Michael Katherine, tearfully spoke about how much she loved her father.
"I just wanted to say ever since I was born, daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine, and I just wanted to say I love him so much," she said.
Michael Jackson 的英语新闻怎么翻译
杰克逊记住弹出图标谁闪耀在现场为孩子于1969年,作为他的家人音乐集团,杰克逊5 。年轻的迈克尔脱颖而出由他的四个兄弟,并很快成为集团的首席歌手和舞蹈演员。
“今天在东京,下方的艾菲尔铁塔,在加纳的黑星广场,在约翰内斯堡和匹兹堡,在亚拉巴马州的伯明翰和英国伯明翰,我们缺少迈克尔杰克逊, ”她说。
“数以百万计世界各地,迈克尔杰克逊是一个偶像,一个英雄,甚至是国王, ”他说。 “但首先,这名男子今天摆在我们面前是我们的兄弟,我们的儿子,我们的父亲,和我们的朋友。 ”
他说: “我可以告诉你,作为一个成员,美国国会,我们理解宪法, ”她说。 “我们理解法律。我们知道,人民是无辜的,除非证明并非如此。这是宪法主张。 ”
“如果他们需要钱的发展中国家,迈克尔了, ”她说。 “如果他是在纳米比亚,他去孤儿院。迈克尔从来没有停止让。 ”
“但我希望爱人民所表现出将使你知道他没有住在徒劳的, ”他说。他说: “我想他的三个孩子知道[有]没有什么奇怪,你的爸爸。真的很奇怪,你的爸爸不得不处理。但他处理这样的... 。 ”
由于家庭挤在舞台上结束时的服务,一个歌手的三个孩子, 11岁的巴黎迈克尔凯瑟琳,含泪谈到多少她爱她的父亲。
“我只想说,自从我出生,爸爸一直是最好的父亲你无法想象,我只想说我爱他那么多, ”她说。