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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/24 14:16:39
World Horticultural Expo as a sweeping international event,it affects many aspect to the host city even the whole country .the conduct of the Xi'an 2011 International Horticultural Expo,It brought huge positive impact on tourism, and it was the greatest opportunity to enhance the international competitiveness of the Xi'an tourism ,it was also the"catalyst" of accelerate the integration of shanxi tourism.It improved the visualize and popularity of Xi'an and expand the scale of tourist , it consummated the infrastructure Xi'an tourism and showed the rich tour resources,it added new employment opportunities to the tourism.The 2011 International Horticultural Exposition was not only a huge opportunity, but also the challenge to xi'an Tourism. . For example, high traffic during the World Horticultural Expo made no convenience to the visitors and it also bought the Horticultural ecological problems.In addition, we were also worry about the problem Xi'an tourism facing after the World Horticultural Expo . The issue analysed the positive and negative effects of World Horticultural Expo to shanghai tourism . We were making the right advice and solutionas to respond to World Horticultural Expos.
再问: 2011西安世界园艺博览会从2011年4月28日开幕到10月22日闭幕,会期共178天,主题为“天人长安.创意自然——城市与自然和谐共生”,宣传口号为“绿色引领时尚”。应邀参展的城市及机构有100多个,其中国外城市30多个、国内城市40多个、国际园艺行业机构30多个,参观人数超过1500万人次。2011年世园会在西安举办,对地区经济、社会将产生直接带动作用,在第三产业中对旅游业的影响是最大的。