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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/11 19:00:35
一个句子能否有两个副词?例如: The man decided toset sail further west ( 这是书上的句子) 其中further west 都是副词
解题思路: 副词
可以有两个副词的。如He walked very fast. very fast 都是副词。
定 义:   副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。
分 类:   1) 时间和频度副词:

  now,then,often,always,usually,early,today, lately, next,last,already,generally,frequently, seldom,ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately, hardly,finally,shortly, before, ago,sometimes, yesterday.

  2) 地点副词:

  here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on.

  3) 方式副词:

  carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly

  4) 程度副词:

  much,little, very,rather,so,too,still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely,almost, slightly.

  5) 疑问副词:

  how, when, where, why.

  6) 关系副词:

  when, where, why.

  7) 连接副词:

用 法:   副词在句中可作状语,表语,补语。

  He works hard. (作状语)


  You speak English quite well. (作状语)


  Is she in ? (作表语)


  Let's be out. (作表语)


  Food here is hard to get. (作状语)


  Let him out!(作补语)

位 置:   1) 多数副词都可以放在动词的后面,如果动词带有宾语,副词就放在宾语后面。

  I get up early in the morning everyday.


  He gave me a gift yesterday.


  She didn't drink water enough.


  The train goes fast.


  We can go to this school freely.


  They left a life hardly then.


  He has a new hat on today.


  I have seen this film twice with my friends.


  2) 副词修饰形容词,副词时,副词在前面,而被修饰的词在后面。

  It's rather easy, I can do it.


  He did it quite well.


  It's rather difficult to tell who is right.


  It's so important that I must tell my friends.


  It's much better.


  3) 频度副词可放在实义动词的前面,情态动词和助动词的后面。

  I often help him these days.


  I always remember the day when I first came

  to this school.


  You mustn't always help me.


  He seldom comes to see us.


  We usually go shopping once a week.


  The new students don't always go to dance.


  4) 疑问副词,连接副词,关系副词以及修饰整个句子的副词,通常放在句子或从句的前面。

  When do you study everyday?


  Can you tell me how you did it?


  First, let me ask you some questions.


  How much does this bike cost?


  Either you go or he comes.


  The students were reading when the teacher came into the classroom.


  5) 时间副词和地点副词在一个句中, 地点副词在前面时间副词在后面。

  We went shopping in the supermarket at 9 o'clock yesterday.


  What were you doing in the classroom yesterday afternoon?


  The accident took place in the Eleven Avenue one hour ago.



  Never have I felt so excited!
比较等级:   副词和形容词一样,也有它的比较级和最高级形式. 可以参考形容词的变换形式。但以词尾 -ly 结尾的副词(除 early )须用 more 和 most 。

  hard harder hardest

  fast faster fastest

  early earlier earliest

  much more most

  warmly more warmly most warmly

  单音节副词的比较级是在副词后面加上 -er 构成的,最高级是在副词后面加上 -est 构成的。

  near nearer nearest

  hard harder hardest

  多音节副词的比较级是在副词的前面加上 -more 构成的。 最高级是在副词前面加上 -most 构成的。

  warmly more warmly most warmly

  successfully more successfully most successfully


  well-better - best little - less(er) - least

  much- more - most badly - worse - worst


  副词的比较级和最高级用法同形容词的比较级用法基本一样。 最高级形式句中 the 可以省略。

  He works harder than I.


  Lucy gets up earlier than Lili.


  He runs fastest in our class.


  He dives deeper than his teammates.


  It's true that he speak English more fluently than any of us.


  Our school team play football best in our region.

副词比较级和最高级的形式   副词比较级和最高级的变化形式与形容词基本上一样

  一般 副词

  hard→harder →hardest

  fast→faster →fastest

  late→later →latest

  early→earlier →earliest

  特殊 副词

  well →better →best

  much →more →most

  badly →worse →worst

  little →less(er) →least 但是,开放类副词即以后缀-ly结尾的副词不能像形容词那样加-er或-est,如

  quickly →more quickly →most quickly quietly →more quietly →most quietly

  〔注〕: early中的-ly不是后缀,故可以把y变i再加-er和-est
比较级和最高级的基本用法   一、原级比较的基本用法

  1. 原级比较由“as+形容词或副词(或再加名词或短语)+as ”构成“原级相同”比较句,表示两者比较;其否定式,即“程度不及”比较句型为“not so(as) +形容词或副词+as”,而且as…as结构前可用just, almost, nearly, quite等表示程度的词修饰

  1) Walking briskly for thirty minutes will burn as many calories as .

  〔A〕 to run for fifteen minutes

  〔B〕 running for fifteen minutes

  〔C〕 you run for fifteen minutes

  〔D〕 fifteenminute walking

  2) The gorilla(大猩猩), while 〔A〕 not quite as curious than 〔B〕 the chimpanzee(黑猩猩), shows more persistence 〔C〕 and memory retention(记忆力) in solving 〔D〕 a problem.

  3) Alaska is twice 〔A〕 as larger 〔B〕 as 〔C〕 the next largest 〔D〕 state, Texas.

  2. “as (so)+名词+as+名词”进行名词比较,这时一般情况下有一个表示原级的比较词,但如果第一名词前出现了形容词修饰该词或出现副词修饰谓语,应当用so而不用as

  4) Thomas Jefferson’s achievements as an architect rival his contributions a politician.

  〔A〕 such

  〔B〕 more

  〔C〕 as

  〔D〕 than

  5) I should say Henry is not much a writer as a reporter. (88年考题)

  〔A〕 that

  〔B〕 so

  〔C〕 this

  〔D〕 as


  1. 比较级由“形容词(副词)比较级+than+…,”构成表示在两者中间一方比另一方“更加…”。连词than后可接句子,也可接名词、代词、名词短语、介词短语、动词、动词不定式、ING结构和ED结构,有时也可省去than。

  6) Natural mica(云母) of 〔A〕 a superior 〔B〕 quality is cheapest 〔C〕 to obtain than synthetic 〔D〕 mica.

  7) She is older than .

  〔A〕 any other girl in the group

  〔B〕 any girl in the group

  〔C〕 all girls in the group

  〔D〕 you and me as well as the group

  8) Josephine McCrackin joined 〔A〕 the “Santa Cruz Sentinel” in 1905 and, until her death fifteen years late 〔B〕 , remained 〔C〕 active in journalistic 〔D〕 work.

  2. 注意than前后两项相比较的人或事物要一致

  9) The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than .

  〔A〕 ours

  〔B〕 with us

  〔C〕 for ours it had

  〔D〕 it did for us

  10) Sound travels air.

  〔A〕 faster through water than through 〔B〕 faster than through water and

  〔C〕 through water faster and〔D〕 where it is faster through water than through

  11) Gerbrand von den Feckhout, one of Rembrand’s pupils, followed 〔A〕 the style of his teacher so implicitly that 〔B〕 his paintings 〔C〕 are sometimes confused with his master 〔D〕 .


  1. 最高级用于三者以上比较,形容词的结构形式是“定冠词+形容词最高级+名词+表示范围的短语或从句”(如all, of all, of the tree, in the world, that has ever taken place等)

  12) The more 〔A〕 fearsome of all the 〔B〕 animals in 〔C〕 the Western 〔D〕 Hemisphere is the grizzly bear.

  13) Of all economic 〔A〕 problems, inflation continues to be 〔B〕 a 〔C〕 most significant in its daily impact on 〔D〕 people and business.

  14) , the most familiar to general public is the criminal jurisdiction.

  〔A〕 All the activities

  〔B〕 The activities

  〔C〕 Of all the activities

  〔D〕 It is the activities

  2. 副词的最高级与形容词最高级的区别在于最高级前没有定冠词the
特殊表达法   一、形容词与副词的同级比较: 由“as(so)…as”引出,其否定式为“not so…”或“not as…as”,考生还应注意下列含有“as”结构或短语的句子

  1. as such:表示上文所指明的事或人

  He is a child,and must be treated as such. 他是个孩子,必须被当作孩子对待。

  2. as much:表示“与…同量”

  Take as much as you like. 拿多少都行。

  I would gladly have paid twice as much for it. 就是价格再贵一倍,我也会愿意把它买下的。

  He as much as admitted the whole story. 他几乎全部承认了。

  3. as many:表示“与…一样多”

  I found six mistakes in as many lines. 我在六行中发现了六个错。

  二、表示“几倍于”的比较级:用twice (两倍),four times (四倍),ten times (十倍)加上as … as 结构

  This one is four times as big as that one. 这个是那个的四倍大。(这个比那个大三倍。) / Our campus is three times as large as yours. 我们的校园比你们的大两倍。 / He has books twice as many as she does. 他的书比她多一倍。

  1) The fiveyear deal obligates 〔A〕 the country to buy nine million tons 〔B〕 of grain a year 〔C〕 , three million more as 〔D〕 the old pact’s minimum.

  三、“the same +名词+as”表示同等比较

  2) The lens of a camera performs the lens of the eye.

  〔A〕 in the same function 〔B〕 the same function as

  〔C〕 the function is the same as 〔D〕 and has the same function

  3) The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would

  have as the amount of money borrowed.

  〔A〕 as the same value 〔B〕 the same value

  〔C〕 value as the same 〔D〕 the value is the same

  四、比较级前可用a little, a bit, slightly, a great deal, a lot,many, much等词语表示不定量,far, completely,still表示程度或更进一步

  4) There are now methods for studying color vision in infants than there once were.

  〔A〕 more sophisticated than

  〔B〕 much more sophisticated

  〔C〕 much sophisticated

  〔D〕 sophisticated

  5) The photographs of Mars taken by satellite are than those taken from the Earth.

  〔A〕 clearest

  〔B〕 the clearest

  〔C〕 much clearer

  〔D〕 more clearer

  6) Common porpoises(海豚) are usually not considered 〔A〕 migratory, although 〔B〕 some do move 〔C〕 to more warmer 〔D〕 waters in winter.
兼有两种形式的副词   1) close与closely

  close意思是"近"; closely 意思是"仔细地"

  He is sitting close to me.

  Watch him closely.

  2) late 与lately

  late意思是"晚"; lately 意思是"最近"

  You have come too late.

  What have you been doing lately?

  3) deep与deeply


  He pushed the stick deep into the mud.

  Even father was deeply moved by the film.

  4) high与highly


  The plane was flying high.

  I think highly of your opinion.

  5) wide与widely


  He opened the door wide.

  English is widely used in the world.

  6) free与freely

  free的意思是"免费";freely 的意思是"无限制地"

  You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.

  You may speak freely; say what you like.

  副词有加a或ly的 区别在于通常加a 的副词描述一种状态,而加ly 的副词则倾向于感觉。
可修饰比较级的词   1)a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等


  3)以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面。


  1) ---- Are you feeling ____? 

  ---- Yes,I'm fine now.

  A. any well B. any better C. quite good

  D. quite better 

  答案:B. any 可修饰比较级,quite修饰原级,well的比较级为better.

  2)The experiment was____ easier than we had expected. 

  A. more B. much more C. much 

  D. more much

  答案:C. much可修饰比较级,因此B,C都说得通,但easier本身已是比较级,不需more,因此C为正确答案。

  3)If there were no examinations, we should have ___ at school. 

  A. the happiest time B. a more happier time 

  C. much happiest time D. a much happier time