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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 03:04:15
Scene:The Hospital,Phoebe is arriving with Ross,Joey,and Rachel in tow.]
Phoebe:(to the nurse) Hi.
Phoebe:Hi,yeah,hi!I'm umm,Phoebe Buffay,and I have babies coming out of me.
Nurse:Okay.Have you started having contractions?
Phoebe:Not yet.Umm,I heard they really hurt,do they hurt?
Phoebe:Oh my God!
Ross:It's all right.
Nurse:Now,which of you is the father?(Points to Joey and Ross)
Phoebe:Oh no,none of them are the father.The father is my brother.
Nurse:(not sure what to do with that) Okay…
Rachel:I am so gonna miss watching you freak people out like that!
Joey:Okay,uh Pheebs,quick.Look!This (His video camera) is for the babies to look at someday,so is-is there anything you want to say?Y'know before it all starts?
Phoebe:Oh,okay,umm,hi kids!Um,it's me,Aunt Phoebe.I can't wait to see you.Please don't hurt me!
(Monica and Chandler come running in.)
Ross:Hey,what took you guys so long?Your cab left when ours did!
(There's a pause as they figure out what to say.)
Monica:Well,we-we had to go back because I forget my jacket.
Chandler:That's right.
(Both Rachel and Ross stare at her for a moment.)
Rachel:You-you're not wearing a jacket.
Monica:Oh man!I did it again!
Phoebe:(standing up) Okay,so umm,somebody has to call Frank and Alice.(As she is talking Joey is sticking the camera under her skirt.) And then my mom wants to know-(notices Joey)-Joey,what are you doing?!
Joey:I gotta get the before shot!
(She shakes her head no.)
Opening Credits
[Scene:The delivery room,Rachel and Ross are entering.]
Rachel:Hi,Pheebs?Okay,so just spoke to the nurse and the reason that your doctor is late is because uh,she's not coming.
Ross:Apparently she fell in the shower and hit her head.
Phoebe:Oh my God,she's so stupid!
Ross:Look,Pheebs-Pheebs,it's gonna be okay.
Phoebe:That's easy for you to say,I don't see three kids coming out your vagina!
Rachel:Honey,listen,y'know what?The nurse said the doctor is wonderful.
Ross:Yeah,he's head of the department.
Phoebe:All right—Ooh!Oh dead God,save me!
Phoebe:I'm having my first contraction!
Chandler:Oh no.
Phoebe:Ooh,it's not bad.
Joey:Oh!(In an announcer type voice) And so the miracle of life begins,and aaiiyyyeeee!(He grabs his side and doubles over in pain.)
Chandler:Hey!You okay?
Joey:Ooh,something hurts!
Phoebe:Ooh,it's sympathy pains.Ohh,that's so sweet!
Joey:Are they?I didn't know I cared that much.
(The doctor,Dr.Harad,enters.)
Dr.Harad:Hi!Phoebe,I'm Dr.Harad,I'm going to be delivering your babies.I want you to know,you're gonna be in good hands.I've been doing this for a long time.I'll be back in a minute to do your internal,in the meantime,just relax because everything here looks great.And also,I love Fonzie.(Exits)
Chandler:Did he just say,he loves Fonzie?
Monica:That's what it sounded like.
Chandler:All right…
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