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英语语法1.it is said that he was a brilliant scientist.被动句he is

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 22:31:59
1.it is said that he was a brilliant scientist.被动句he is said to have been a brilliant scientist.为什么有have been
2.The boy’s rudeness shocked them .they put down the boy’s rudness to his parents having spoiled him.前面的会改的.They were shocked by the boy’s rudness,which was put down to his having been spoiled by…后面怎么是which引导的?
3.the question was put to debate ,but they debated a question fully in parliament on very few occasions.后面那半句but on very few occasions was question fully debated in parliament.我觉得是but the question was…..
4.He want them to treat the information as confidential .被动句he wanted the information to be treated as confidential.句子的宾语不是them,应该是thay….
5.They could make the law effectively only in this way.直接only in this way could they 是这样的吗?
6.If someone should prove beyond doubt that can accident caused the fire .为什么改成Should it be proved beyond doubt that the fire was caused by an accident
7.Release the man they are at present holding on suspicion of arson.the man being hold suspicion of arson will be release.为什么有will be
8.They allow the oil to flow out gently through taps .the oil is allowed….上次说要看allow是主谓还是动兵,那这里就直接改了?
9.Information about the sarce was withheld by hr reporter from which they had obtained the startling news.
10.On their informing him that the police wanted him.改成On being informed that he was wanted by the police.
英语语法1.it is said that he was a brilliant scientist.被动句he is
1. It is said that he was a brilliant scientist. / He is said to have been a brilliant scientist.为什么有have been
It is said that he was a brilliant scientist 一句中,that 引导的是主语从句,it 是形式主语;转换为 He is said to have been a brilliant scientist 后句子主语变成 he,后面的不定式短语是主语补足语,本句中谓语动词 was said(据说)是过去式,而他是 a brilliant scientist(有才气的科学家)是 was said 以前就存在的,为表示“曾经是”早于“据说”,不定式就需要用完成形式.
2. The boy’s rudeness shocked them. They put down the boy’s rudness to his parents having spoiled him.前面的会改的.They were shocked by the boy’s rudness, which was put down to his having been spoiled by…后面怎么是which引导的?
原文第二句是第一句的递进,改动后,是用非限制性定语从句去实现这种递进,which 是关系代词,指代先行词 rudeness.需要说明的是非限制性定语从句的先行词只限用which,不能用that.
3. the question was put to debate, but they debated a question fully in parliament on very few occasions.后面那半句 but on very few occasions was question fully debated in parliament.我觉得是but the question was…..
我不明白你的这半句 but on very few occasions was question fully debated in parliament 从什么地方来的,原文里没有,而且说不通,因为没有主语.正如你所说,改为被动语态要把原宾语 a question 变成主语,成为 but a question was fully debated in parliament,至于 on very few occasions,由于是状语,位置比较灵活,放在句尾或 was 后面都可以.
4. He want them to treat the information as confidential .被动句 he wanted the information to be treated as confidential.句子的宾语不是them,应该是thay….
先分析不定式短语 to treat the information,其中 the information 是 treat 的宾语,逻辑主语是变为 want 的宾语 them,改为被动需要把 the information 变成 want 的宾语同时作不定式 treat 的逻辑主语,这样就变成 he wanted the information to be treated 了.
5. They could make the law effectively only in this way.直接是这样的吗?
副词 only + 被强调部分提到句首后整个句子需要倒装语序,即:Only in this way could they make the law effectively.
6. If someone should prove beyond doubt that accident can cause the fire .为什么改成Should it be proved beyond doubt that the fire was caused by an accident.
a) beyond doubt 是介词短语作插入语,意思是“毫无疑问”
b)原句的宾语是 that 从句,改为被动语态后变成主语,即为:① If that… should be proved beyond doubt;② 改用形式主语成为:If it should be proved beyond doub that … ;③在条件虚拟句中,可以省去 if 用倒装语序表示,变成:Should it should be proved beyond doub that …;
c)that 从句原来也是主动语态,宾语是 the fire,改为被动语态后成为:the fire was caused by an accident.
7. Release the man they are at present holding on suspicion of arson. the man being hold suspicion of arson will be release.为什么有will be
Release the man …是祈使句式,祈使句表达的是让对方在说话后执行的动作,也就是将来的行为,所以被动后就成为 the man … will be released,
8. They allow the oil to flow out gently through taps . the oil is allowed….上次说要看allow是主谓还是动宾,什么意思啊?那这里就直接改了?
所谓主谓关系或动宾关系指的是逻辑主语与非谓语动词之间的关系,如本句中句中的宾语 the oil 是不定式 to flow ou 的行为执行者,因此他们而这之间是主谓关系,改为被动语态后,把原宾语 the oil 变为主语后只是句式结构发生了变化,它与不定式主谓关系并没有改变.
9. Information about the sars was withheld by the reporters from which they had obtained the startling news.完全不会.
这个句子本身就是被动语态,意思是“有关非典的信息被记者扣押,他们曾经从该信息中获取了令人乍舌的消息”.是否要改回到主动语态:The reporters withheld information about the sars from which they had obtained the startling news.
10. On their informing him that the police wanted him.改成On being informed that he was wanted by the police. 不明白
这是个“on + 动名词短语”结构,意思是“一如何就如何”但是这里没有“就如何”后半句. A)为了加深理解,先去掉介词on变成一句话:They imformed him that the police wanted him;B)把这个句子改为被动语态:① 前半句——He was informed that ② 后半句——he was wanted by the police. C)把 was informed 变成动名词放在介词 on 后,就成为 on being informed