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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/12 23:59:15
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1.bring together 200 years of experience.中bring together是一个动副词组还是宾补together提前?brought his plane down变为brought down his plane,那bring down是动副词组呢?还是提前的宾补?如何判断的?
2.the process of officially counting sth.否定词和副词都是直接加到动名词前面?
be careful when getting off the bus .中getting offf the bus是什么动词?get为什么要加ing?
3.He is quite an expert(他是位了不起的砖家).把quite放在an后可以吗?为什么?
He is rather a bore.中rather是什么词性修饰什么?
they were there to attend the meeting.中to attend是根据句意加的不定式做状语?
4.A moment after there was a knock at his door.after是conj吗?after引导的句子做什么成分修饰什么?Some years back the land was all in farms.中back是什么词性?back the land是什么成分修饰什么
5.70% Americans reported voting for obama.中vote为什么加ing?
He says they have never lost a rhino to poaching.此句中的to如何理解?主句用says,从句却用现在完成时,是否合适?
6..Hispanic American字典释义是:西班牙裔美国人或拉美裔美国人,那到底是西班牙裔还是拉美的呢?西班牙与拉丁美洲相去甚远,有什么关系?
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ing together 200 years of experience.中bring together是一个动副词组 也可以 看作是宾补together提前brought his plane down变为brought down his plane,那bring down是动副组  也是提前的宾补二者 并不矛盾
2.the process of officially counting sth.否定词直接加到动名词前面副词位置 须根据情况 
be careful when getting off the bus .中getting off  the bus是现在分词 这是 带连词的现在分词 作状语  相当于 一个状语从句  与句子主语 (省略的you) 是主动关系 所以用现在分词  所以get要加ing.
3.He is quite an expert(他是位了不起的砖家).把quite放在an后不可以因为 quite是作状语的副词  不是作定语 的形容词 
He is rather a bore.中rather是副词 作状语  修饰 is a borethey were there to attend the meeting.中to attend是根据句意加的不定式做状语
4.A moment after there was a knock at his door.after是副词 没有 引导从句 A moment after是时间状语 修饰 后面的句子 再如 soon after,there was a knock at his door.Some years back the land was all in farms.中back是副词 Some years back是时间状语  修饰 后面的句子the land was all in farms.5.70% Americans reported voting for obama.中vote加ing可以看做动名词作宾语=70% Americans said they  voted for obama
He says they have never lost a rhino to poaching.此句中的to的介词短语 作状语  lost a rhino主句用says,从句可以用现在完成时,完全合适因为says 其实这里 代替的是现在完成时 has said
6..Hispanic American字典释义是:西班牙裔美国人或拉美裔美国人,西班牙裔包括  拉美裔hispanic应该是指西班牙裔人 但由于分布地区不同有些偏黑(就是拉丁美洲人)拉美有很多国家 曾经是 西班牙 的殖民地

再答: 1 还是动副词组 2动名词具有名词特征 也具有动词特征 所以 可以用副词 修饰 是祈使句 。也可以带状语。对 3可以修饰系表结构 4因为a moment 可以起连词作用 如果after是连词 前面a moment应该去掉 after是副词 修饰a moment 5动名词作宾语 是常见的语法现象 。与宾语从句无关 。这是两种不同的 宾语形式。更不是宾语从句的省略。
再问: 4.A moment after there was a knock at his door 连词前面不能有名词吗? 5.He says they have never lost a rhino to poaching。中的to poaching是根据句意加的吗?还是与动词搭配的?
再答: 4.A moment after there was a knock at his door 引导状语从句的连词前面不能有被修饰的名词 除非是定语从句 5.He says they have never lost a rhino to poaching。中的to poaching是根据句意加的
再问: 4.A moment after之后是否需要加逗号? be careful when getting off the bus中be careful后面是否需要加逗号?when getting off the bus be careful或when getting off the bus,be careful对吗?
再答: 4.A moment after之后可以加逗号 be careful when getting off the bus中be careful后面不需要加逗 when getting off the bus, be careful对
再问: 那状语从句与前面的词什么时候加逗号呢?比如说be careful when getting off the bus。为什么不用加?
再答: 短语作状语 或从句作状语 位于句首时 一般要加逗号 位于 句尾 一般不加逗号 如because he was ill,he didn't go to school. he didn't go to school because he was ill.