作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

英语翻译1.On show are about 20 pieces of his representative work

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/16 19:31:01
1.On show are about 20 pieces of his representative works which always reflect the painter’s thoughts on the relationship between man and nature .
2.By working to establish open relationships with each manager ,he alleviated any fears that they would be punish for offering criticism or differing opinions .(P110)
3.A totally new sttuation will arise when the new examination system comes inot practice .
4.Gates is actively involved in the key management and strategic decisions at Microsoft ,and plays an important role in techcical development of new products .A significant portion of his time is devoted to meeting with customers and staving in contact with Microsoft employees around the world through e-mail .(P2)
5.The market is a concept .If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale ,you are producing for the marker ,You might sell some to your neighbors and some to the manager of the local supermarket .But in either case ,you are producing for the market .Your efforts are directed by the market .
英语翻译1.On show are about 20 pieces of his representative work
1. 展览展出的画家 20 幅代表性作品都反映了他对人和自然之间关系的思考.
2. 他努力和每一位经理都建立起了开诚布公的关系,消除了经理们对于提出批评意见或是不同意见可能受到处罚的疑虑.
4. 盖茨积极参与到微软的重要管理和战略决策事务中,在新产品技术开发方面也发挥了重大作用.他将很大一部分时间都花在与客户会面,以及与微软在全球各地的雇员通电子邮件,保持联系上.
5. 市场是一个概念.如果你在你家后院种番茄是为了拿出去卖,你的生产就属于市场行为.你可以把你的番茄卖给你的邻居,也可以卖给当地大型超市的经理.但无论哪种情况,你的生产都是市场行为,你的劳动都是以市场为导向进行的.