作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:搜搜做题作业网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/23 01:15:40
如果能有英文回答 就更好了~
1.Are you used to prepare before reading?
Yes,I will make good preparations before reading.
2.What preparations should we do before reading?
I think a good preparations before reading include:
1.Confirming the purpose of reading.
2.Looking up summary and content.
3.Reading foreword and postscript.
4.Forecasting the contents of the book.
3.Do you think how to read is the truly effective reading?
I think a truly effective reading need us to self-examination after reading and put the knowlege learning from the book into practice.
4.Do you have a plan or goal when you reading in normal times?
Yes,especially when I have not enough time to read,I will make a plan for my reading.
5.What kinds of books or articles are you interested in?
I am interested in reading famous book and books or articles about philosophy.
6.When you meet something that you can't understand in your reading,whether you make them clear immediately?
No,I will not stop to make something I can't understand in my reading,but I will mark them.
7.In your impression what class can reading be devided into?What are they
I think reading can be devided into six classes,there are read aloud,read silently,chant,intensive readingk,skipping reading and browsing.
8.Can you introduce some good reading methods that you consider?
Yes,I am glad to introduce you some good reading methods,such as problem method,shifting method,sketch and extract method and read silently etc..(问题法,移位法,勾画、摘录法和默读法)